
Managing Brexit


While firms finalise their preparation for Brexit, it is important that they take this opportunity to reinvigorate their business model and increase competitiveness in a post-Brexit era.

FMCR can help to design and implement strategies in parallel with regulatory change to effectively innovate and improve business efficiencies.

Considerations for financial institutions managing Brexit


  • How is your firm expanding its client growth and footprint during this change?

  • How is your firm preparing for fragmented market liquidity?

Process / Systems

  • Is your client coverage model sufficiently regulatory-compliant yet competitive?

  • How robust and complete are your firm’s trade controls?

  • Are system enhancements sufficient for regulatory compliance yet efficient in eliminating duplicative processes?


  • How is your firm managing the retention of talent while preparing for movement of staff?

  • How is your firm providing timely and relevant training and communications to impacted staff?